Pubg Mobile has become one of the most popular game around the world with 600+ million downloads, Pubg is riding to all time success.

But are they successful enough? 
True gamers of Pubg will definitely get to know what I am trying to say, yes! You got that right. It's the Hackers! 

Hackers are the only thing in the game where Pubg becomes helpless, looks like the redzone of hackers spawn always on Pubg Mobile. 

Now after many failed attempts to try and stop hackers from games, Pubg has came up with another new feature which is called as "Anti-Spectate Wall Hack".

Now Pubg Mobile has brought anti wall hack cheat to spectator mode, this sneaky new hack was discovered while investigating the ban pan security system.

This hack was able to find a way around from the security procedures of Pubg Mobile. The hackers then team up to play match and later get eliminated by themselves after which they can spectate their teammates.

Now in the course of spectating their teammates these hacker reveals the exact position of the enemies to their partners.

Here Pubg Mobile has gone one step ahead of what hackers do. They were able to rework and improve the spectating system and now here we are discussing about the same feature "Anti-Spectator Wall Hack".

Now Pubg Mobile claims that areas which are not visible to a player in the match will not be uploaded to spectator field of view.

This will proactively block anything which is not in the view of spectator field of view,
Which means even after using spectator wall hack they will see nothing.

Now we don't know at what extent this Anti-Spectator Wall Hack feature will help to survive the fair play game. Can we say it's just a wait and watch scenario? Because hackers these days have gone more ahead than what they could do.